Shipping & Return Policies

Unfortunately, we currently do not accept any returns or exchanges.


To request a cancellation, email us at Please read the following before contacting us:

  • When you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email followed by another email saying your order is on the way with tracking 0-4 business days after your order was confirmed. We are not responsible if the wrong email address was provided; please email us if you did not receive a confirmation email immediately after ordering.
  • Once your order is processed, you are no longer able to cancel
  • All returns will be credited to the original credit card used at the time of purchase

Please Note: Make sure you input your correct mailing address before completing your purchase. If your address is incorrect and has been shipped out already, no refund will be issued.  

  • If address provided is marked as invalid or possibly fraudulent, emails or texts will be sent out to you. If they are not responded to after 1 week, the order will be cancelled and fully refunded.
  • Failed delivery due to incorrect address due to customer error will result in a partial refund (no refund for shipping + 20% restocking fee).

We are not responsible for delays due to weather or for reasons by USPS. 

We are not responsible for packages lost by USPS.

Our shipping department double checks every product and carefully pack every order to make sure you receive your order in its best condition. We are not responsible for orders damaged by shipping carriers.